Milk quality guaranteed

The SAC external rotary is a very user-friendly solution for large herds and high-yielding cows. It fulfils all your milking needs. Including a high capacity of milking while maintaining milk quality. The IDC milking united is mounted on the outside of the platform, making milking cleaner and easier. An additional advantage is that it makes it easy to separate the milk.

From the stainless steel milk receiver, the milk is carefully transported tot he cooling tank by the frequency-controled SAC milk pump. The most careful way of milk transport. The retains its high quality in all aspects.

External rotary

Externally operated milking rotary for cows

SAC external operated milking rotary for cows is made in heavy duty execution and designed for 24/7 milking. It is intended for large herds due to the high capacity, where cow comfort during milking is in the absolute forefront. At the same time it is ideal for two milkers or more. The platform is cast in untreated concrete, so the cows stand well and safely during milking. The cows are led into a three meter long entrance. Depending on the size, the carousel has at least one double towing station with stepless variable speed. The many plastic wheels are an important part of the carousel's construction, which ensures a low friction and thereby a stable speed during milking. IDC with associated Quickstart is well placed between the cows in a galvanized box and ensures the milker a good workstation. Likewise, the SAC carousel is equipped with clamp fuses and water-based expulsion system, which gives the cows maximum safety during exit.

The advantages at a glance
  • Optimal working conditions
  • The high milk quality is maintained
  • Individual cow monitoring: attaching for a second time without loss of capacity
  • Cows are automatically separated

External Rotary

Ergonomic working conditions

The balance arm is ensures that a cow can be milked optimally with a light cluster. A very egrgonomic way of working. The milker stands relatively close to the cows, which makes pre-milking and attachment of the cluster easy. The height-adjustable SAC Unifloor makes it possible to always stand at the right working height. Ergonomic working is facilitated in every possible way.

Milk quality guaranteed

The SAC External Rotary is a very user-friendly solution for large herds and high-yielding cows. It fulfils all your milking needs. Including a high capacity of milking while maintaining milk quality. The IDC milking unit is mounted on the outside of the platform, making milking cleaner and easier. An additional advantage is that it makes it easy to separate the milk. 

From the stainless steel milk receiver, the milk is carefully transported by the frequency-controlled SAC milk pump to the cooling tank. The most gentle way of milk transport.

Animal welfare

Cows are milked in an animal friendly way. The balance arm retracts the hose that runs through the platform under the platfrom, so that there are no protruding parts and the cow is not hindered when entering or exiting the rotary. The operating consoles are designed with intermediate gates form maximum animal welfare and optimal udder accessibility for the milker. A long entrance with guiding tubes and a Texas gate ensure a quick and quiet passage to the rotary. You can opt for a retention gate for cows that need an extra round or need special attention. The milking clusters stay, if necessary, under the cow, so milking continues steadily. Offering fixed or variable (programmed) amounts of concentrate ensures a quick turnaround and calm cows during milking. If rquired, a very comfortable rubber floor can be provided at the entry and exit of the rotary.

Total solution

The External Rotary is a very user-friendly system with ergonomic design that ensures optimal working conditions. Dairy farmers looking for a total solution will find everything they need in the External Rotary. The SAC External Rotary is available in 32, 36, 40, 44, 50, 60, 72 en 80 stands.